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Friday, February 07, 2025


25th Western Canada Feedlot Management School

February 7-9, 2023
Saskatoon Inn & Conference Centre, 2002 Airport Dr, Saskatoon, SK



The Pros and Cons of Feeding Canola Meal Presentation
With potential processing facilities springing up in SK, canola meal could be in greater supply on the prairies. How might this byproduct fit into rations and what are the benefits and downfalls for cattle feeders to be aware of?
Dr. Greg Penner, University of Saskatchewan
Using Wheat in Feedlot Rations Presentation
Looking at high vs low protein and different varieties has given researchers some new insights into how best to utilize wheat in feedlot diets.
Dr. Gabriel Ribeiro, University of Saskatchewan
Market Update Presentation
Cattle markets can be difficult to get a handle on. What are some of the tools you can use to help interpret markets and manage financial risk in this ever-changing industry.
Brian Perillat, Bullseye Nutrition
So You Want to Build a Bio-Digestor… Presentation
Rising energy costs, available feedstock and a desire to be innovative. Are these the ingredients that lead one Alberta feedlot to build a bio-digestor? Hear the experience of one operation in their journey to harness the power of manure.
Kendra Donnelly, Korova Feeders
The Ongoing Battle with Histophilosis in Feedlot Cattle Presention - Pdf or PowerPoint with videos
Learn about the occurrence and disease syndromes linked to histophilosis, as well as the difficulties diagnosing and treating this bug in the feedlot. Also hear about current vaccines and new research aimed at improving the effectiveness of vaccination.
Dr. Joyce Van Donkersgoed, Dr. Joyce Van Donkersgoed Inc
Programming the Immune System Presentation
Are there methods to ensure a better immune response to respiratory vaccines? Hear from one researcher looking for ways to better equip animals to face viral challenges at the feedlot.
Dr. Nathan Erickson, Western College of Veterinary Medicine
The Ever-Changing BRD Landscape Presentation
Bovine respiratory pathogens are tricky and antimicrobial resistance has caused these bugs to become even trickier. This researcher will discuss prevalence, antimicrobial resistance and changes that have occurred in the last 10 years around respiratory pathogens and practical approaches to dealing with these bugs.
Trevor Alexander, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Cattle Feeding in the Carbon Economy Presentation
Cattle were up-cycling long before this phrase was born. Learn about ways that producers can use this ability to their advantage in an increasingly carbon-concerned consumer atmosphere.
Kim Ominski, University of Manitoba
Your Cattle Eat What? Presentation
Hear the experience of one innovative producer who incorporates by-products into their feedlot rations.
Ryan Kasko, Kasko Cattle




Virtual Tour - Namaka Farms
Bryan Thiessen, Outlook, SK

Virtual Tour - P Cross Ranch
Garret Poletz, Biggar, SK



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Contact Us

(306) 969-2666
PO Box 95, Ceylon, SK, Canada S0C 0T0